id | info |
Usage: {{Userbox|id background color|info background color|image or text|your text|id text size}}
Extended usage:
{{Userbox | id = id text or image (#3) | id-c = id background color (#1) - also the default box border color (or #999) | id-fc = id font color | id-s = id text size (#5) - in 'pt', defaults to 14. :-( | id-p = id cell padding space | id-lh = id line height | id-w = id box width | id-h = id box height | id-op = id other (CSS) parameter(s) | info = info text (#4) | info-c = info background color (#2) - background color of the whole table, really | info-fc = info font color | info-s = info text size - in 'pt', defaults to 8. :-( | info-p = info padding (distance between cell contents & cell border) | info-lh = info line height (or distance in between text lines) | info-op = info other (CSS) parameter(s) | border-c = border color | border-s = border width in pixels | float = css float property; left, right, none, w/default of left | margin = css margin property; left, right, none, w/default of left (combined with 'float: none;' 'margin: 1px auto;' will center box in parent) }}