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"Brasília was created from a initially act as someone who marks a place on earth and take it as his"
Lúcio Costa

The project will cover the same Brazil's geografic area as the one explored by Cruls Mission.

The mentioned covered area was divided into quadrants bounded by bisectors Northwest-Northeast; Southeast-Northeast; Southeast- Southwest, and Southwest-Northwest. This area ranges from the crossing of roads Eixo Rodoviário and Monumental Road, in the very center of master plan of capital - that is the so-called Brasilia Ground Zero.

The area is also divided into rings (inner ring and the first ring).

In the subsection "inner ring"will be listed articles directly related to DF and its administrative areas.

In the "first ring" will be listed the articles related directly to surroundings DF, extended to the cities boundaries ( St Francisco-MG (East), Ipameri GO (South), Goiás Velho, GO (west) and Alto Paraíso-GO (north).

It is a ethno-geographical and economical study divided into five dimensions:

  1. Places, encompassing maping and survey information about the other dimensions relating to cities, towns, squares, monuments, sights, museuns, etc;
  2. Topography and hidrology, encompassing the study of hills, mountains, plateaus, valleys and dams, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and waterfalls;
  3. Fauna and Flora, encompassing mammals and birds and trees and flowers.
  4. People, including completion of famous persons biografies and interviews with ordinary people; and
  5. Small Businesses, including the study of individual entrepreuners, micro, small and medium size firms in agriculture and industry, commerce and service sectors of local economy, with emphasis on sustainable business.

See Table of dimensions contents in the portuguese page